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One Source, Multi Device for the Smart Office

? One Source, Multi Device for the Smart Office ?
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? 1. Overview ?
??As the use of Smartphones in Korea has grown rapidly since 2009, many enterprises have wanted to implement RTE(Real-Time Enterprise) to access to their work environment at anytime and anywhere. In response to customer needs Tobesoft developed the mobile solution for Smart Office from September 2010 to November 2010. Tobesoft recognized that customers needed to be able to utilize the same application on multiple devices at the least Maintenance and this was necessary due to the rapid increase in the appearance of a wide range of devices such as smartphones and tablet PC.
???Tobesoft implemented UI using its own product, XPLATFORM, and worked together with SAP COIL for interworking between X-UP and SAP NetWeaver Mobile. With this cooperative project, Tobesoft learned how to develop a mobile solution based on SAP ERP.
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? 2. Objective ?
? ◆ Realize Mobile Office based on SAP NetWeaver Mobile
◆ Establish the work environment and technology suited to improving productivity at work based on SAP ERP
◆ Provide Mobile Client support for working Online and Offline
◆ Develop Mobile Sync Client (XPLATFORM) to work Offline
◆ Access to our market with a SAP Partner Solution in collaboration with SAP COIL
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? 3. Architecture ?
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? 4. Demo Video ?
? 1) A sales person out of office following a customer request creates a price estimate after checking the availability of the product using his smartphone. ?
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? 2) A sales person’s colleague in the office checks that the customer approves the price estimate and his information, and creates the sales order with the estimate by widget for PC. ?
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? 3) A warehouse manager creates the statement of outbound delivery by widget for PC. ?
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? 4) A warehouse clerk checks, with his tablet PC, the product marked on the statement using the same application loaded on the sales person’s smartphone, , and then does the goods issue. ?
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? 5) A person in the accounting department bills the customer for the product with the existing SAP GUI. ?
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